Consumer Marketing

Tourism Nova Scotia

Project: National Radio Campaign

Target Audience:

UK consumers, primarily ABC1s, Generation X and Millennials  

Key objectives:

  • To raise awareness of all the outdoor activities that can be done in Nova Scotia.
  • To collect a database of individuals with a sparked interest in the destination that we could take on the path to purchase.

 What we did:

  • Negotiated radio space and content campaign with radio station that had the best demographic match to our objectives.
  • We secured a tour operator partner to provide a holiday prize as well as call to action across the promotion.
  • We curated inspiring and enticing copy on the perfect road trip around Nova Scotia that incorporated all of the touring regions including Halifax Metro, South Shore, Yarmouth & Acadian Shores, Fundy Shore & Annapolis Valley, Northumberland Shore and Cape Breton Island.
  • To complement the competition page we crafted radio script for on air readouts.
  • Axis took firm control of all the creative artwork and copy to ensure the key messaging remained allied to with both our brand and that of our client.

Results achieved:

  • 21% opt in rate, which is nearly double the average opt in for the chosen radio station.
  • Over 5,000 unique page views to our own website during the week long campaign.

If you have any queries or need to ask us some questions, please 

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